Sunday, August 11, 2019

Menyadari seseorang berubah, dulu pemalu, not really expressive kinda person, kemudian lihat doi (male) posting foto topless-nya di sosial media. Nope! I aint judging. That's okay, not my business. My point is, everyone's changing. Me too. That's inevitable.

Jadi, complain tentang perubahan teman itu ya gak bisa. Karena lingkungan baru, orang baru, permasalahan-permasalahan yang dia hadapi, akan mengubah dan membentuk dia.

Life Update about Cita-cita

Semua kegalauan akan cita cita ini, apakah bakal berakhir ya? Jadi waktu kuliah dulu, aku punya segambreng cita cita bahkan sampe jadi profesor (I supposed to add wkwk, but I feel like laughing at my own goal? 🤣)

Kemudian aku menikah dan punya anak. Wow! Such a rollercoaster. Decision making is not as easy as before. I have my husband and daughter to count in to. Still questioning though, why should be now, why these happen, why I don't have a super-easy-peasy way to my goal?! Alhamdulillah ala kulli hal of course, I'm just.. wondering lol.

This is all denial, 100%. I really wanna know, what will happen to me in my 30th year birthday (Only, if only, I'm still alive). Because they say that what you want in your 20th, won't be the same with yours in 30th.


26 years old of me

That inner child tho

I have an anger management issue. I badly can't control myself when something comes up out of expectations. Is this what they call inner child?

Sejak kecil terbiasa nyubit adek kalau marah, bahkan nendang Mbah Putri karena ga ada lauk enak di rumah. Is that because I didn't have anyone to show me how to control an emotion? With all of the situations I had back then, or simply because I can't forgive and forget all the bad memories they gave me?

If that's true, then forgiving ain't that easy ya.

I have to fix this issue, and don't give Fathia the same issue that will be an issue when Fathia being a parent. But I don't know what to do, should I see a psychologist? Still in doubt hm.

Perjalanan #1